Miscellaneous Projects

About me
My pseudonym is JLM. I live in France, the country of the great wines and champagne.

I constructed, one year, 2 monophonic A2 that always bring me a big satisfaction. This one month, I finished the construction of 2 monophonic AX. Today, I decided to thank Mr. Nelson Pass that accepts to put to our disposition its expertise in forums of DiyAudio.com, Pass diyers, GRollins, Blitz, Peter Daniel, without forgetting NAR my French friend. Specifications of my Amplifier X : Power 200 Watts / 8 ohms, 125 watts / 4 ohms Voltage : ±31V Bias : 8A Every amplifier has 2 toroidal transformers of 500 VA (1 per rail) with a softstart circuit. 2 rectifier bridges ( 50A ) 1 per rail 2 x 33000µf CO39 / 40V then 2 coils then 4 x 33000µF CO39 / 40V The schematic is the one of Blitz (Diyaudio/forums) slightly modified with 24 IRFP240 MosFet. A DC protection detects the direct current in output (± 3V) and isolate the speakers.. The sound is superb of high ends to bass tones. Wonderfull. Only one defect: The free heat. Mr. Nelson Pass says in XA200 manual : " equivalent of a small hand held hair dryer ". It is true. In stereo, a good heating but a great sound. Thank you again to all. jl.m@tele2.fr

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