Dear Mr. Nelson Pass,
Me and my best friend have built a nice amplifier called Zen Lite. The most difficult part in Germany was to get some 110V 300W bulbs. But one day at we had luck we get 50 pieces for only 1 € for each.
And here the part list
- 19" case
- transformer 2x 35V 175VA
- capacitors 2x 15000 µF 75V and 1x 10000 µF copling capacitor per channel
- 1x irfp460 Mosfet per channel
- 2x 110V 300W bulbs per channel
Its absolutely fanless we use big heatsinks to cool the mosfet down. The sound of this amp is really great clear and dynamic. In fact, this is the best amp we ever heard! All people we show this amp say that. And they mean it looks like a little time machine To get the music a little louder we add a tube linestage with ECC83 tubes in SRPP so I will play 2 times louder then before.
To affect the volume we use an ALPS stereo-poti. U can also have a look at there u can find some other projects like a plasmatweeter, Son of Zen in treatment.
With best regards from Germany
Peter and Sebastian
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