Dear Nelson,
Enclosed are some pictures of my latest project: The ZEN amp an the BOZ preamp. The only tweak left is to reduce the blue leds intensity which are a little too bright. As you can judge, I won't win a prize for the quality of the construction but I like the sound and this is what's important for me
Most of the electronic components come from Digikey, electronic surplus and from my personal "junk"... The toroidal transformers were bought from : in Canada.
The RCA and banana jacks, the speaker cable were bought in an electronic surplus store. The interconnects are made from coax cable that I found in my junk box. So I have to admit that there is place for amelioration here. But that will after the next project: a back loaded horn with the FE166E.
The box come from some surplus 19 inch rack that I salvaged some time ago
I would like to thank you for the time and energy you put up so we, "simple people", can enjoy building quality project
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